Tuesday, 22 October 2013

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Time is running out! The trial is running until October 31, 2013—to register for free access and to find out more please click here. Happy researching!
*Please register for SAGE Journals separately. You may register for all other online products listed above using the other registration form.

Friday, 11 October 2013


XII Capital Markets Conference

December 19-20, 2013
Indian Institute of Capital Markets (UTI Institute of Capital Markets), established in 1989, organising the Capital Markets Conference since 1997. It is a much awaited event in which professionals from academia and industry, from India and abroad, presents their papers. The Conference has contributed to the development of knowledge immensely. The XII Capital Markets Conference will be held at CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai during December 19 - 20, 2013.
The Institute invites research papers from researchers, academicians and industry professionals. Original and unpublished papers submitted to the Conference will undergo an anonymous multi-level review process. Outstanding paper awards will be given to three best papers. All the papers accepted for presentation will be published in SSRN/Electronic /Print format. The Institute will pay an honorarium of R3,000/- to each paper presented at the conference.
The conference proposes to invite research papers from in the following conference tracks:

Debt market                                     
Equity market
Derivative market                            
Mutual funds
Regulation of securities market       
Corporate governance
Last date for submission of research papers                  November 02, 2013
Intimation of paper acceptance                                           November 22, 2013
Last date for receipt of revised paper                                 December 07, 2013
Last date for registration as delegate                                December 14, 2013
  • R 1000 per delegate for delegates from companies and other for-profit organizations.
  • R   500 per delegate for delegates from non-profit organizations.
  • R   300 per delegate for student delegates.
Fees can be paid either in cash or cheque/DD in favour of Indian Institute of Capital Markets payable at Mumbai. Registration forms may be downloaded from www.utiicm.com
For further queries:
Mrs. Minal Pandit, Conference Secretariat
Indian Institute of Capital Markets
(UTI Institute of Capital Markets)
First floor, Anusandhan Kendra, Plot no. 107, Sakal Bhavan Marg,
Sector - 15, CBD-Belapur, Navi Mumbai - 400 614, Maharashtra.
Tel.: +91-22-27581130/27 Telefax : +91-22-27581123/27
Email : cmc@utiicm.com  Website: www.utiicm.com

Sunday, 6 October 2013

The Centre for Research in Rural & Industrial Development (CRRID), Chandigarh, in collaboration with Indian Association of Social Science Institutions (IASSI), is organizing a 10 – day ICSSR sponsored workshop on Research Methodology in Social Sciences, during November 5-14, 2013. This workshop is meant for young Faculty and Research Scholars in Social Sciences in universities and colleges, preferably from North-West India. Those who intend to attend this workshop may send their applications on prescribed form (available on website www.crrid.res.in) within 21 days of the publication of this notice. The application duly recommended and forwarded by Head of the Department/ Principal of College may be sent to
Dr. Ranjit Singh Ghuman
Nehru SAIL Chair Professor
Centre for Research in Rural & Industrial Development
Sector- 19/A, Madhya Marg, Chandigarh – 160019
The applications can also be mailed to nsc.crrid@gmail.com
Outstation candidates will be given to and fro journey fare (train 3rd AC / sleeper class / bus) travelled by the shortest route, alongwith boarding and lodging at CRRID campus.
Professor Sucha Singh Gill
Director General, CRRID

Thursday, 1 August 2013

ICSSR Data Access Scheme for PhD Scholars

Applications are invited from PhD students in universities and colleges for one year access to EPWRF India Time Series (EPWRFITS) for use in their doctoral research. This is to promote Social Science Research through Online Time Series Data Services.
While all Indian Council for Social Science Research (ICSSR) institutes access EPWRFITS under a separate scheme, this scheme would enable wider access of PhD students outside the ICSSR institutes to the EPWRFITS. The scheme is expected to greatly help research scholars of universities and colleges who do not have easy access to such data.
 This scheme has the following highlights:
·         (i) Up to 50 PhD scholars will be given access to the India Time Series every year
·         (ii) Access will be to students outside the ICSSR institutes
·         (iii) PhD scholars can request access to any 5 of the modules of their choice which are given below and EPWRF will provide on-line access for a period of one year.
On-line Modules
·         (i) Financial Markets
·         (ii) Banking Statistics
·         (iii) Domestic Product of States of India
·         (iv) Price Indices
·         (v) Agricultural Statistics
·         (vi) Power Sector
·         (vii) Industrial Production
·         (viii) Finances of State Governments
·         (ix) Combined Government Finances
·         (x) National Accounts Statistics
·         (xi) Annual Survey of Industries
·         (xii) External Sector
·         (xiii) Finances of the Government of India
In order to assist in the processing of applications the scholar should state his/her research area. The Application form can be downloaded from our website and may be processed through your research guide/department. For further details about the modules the prospective applicant can access a demo version by a simple free registration. 

Thursday, 20 June 2013

Faculty Development Programme at OM INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY & MANAGEMENT

AICTE Sponsored
Faculty Development Program
“Research Paradigm for Professional Teachers”
(July 6-20, 2013)
Dear Sir/Madam,

Sub: Invitation for the Faculty Development Programme.

OM Institute of Technology & Management (Mgt.), a name identical for quality professional education, is pioneering institute in the education horizon of Hisar district. Our institute is equipped with modern infrastructure, well qualified and experienced faculty with a vision to promote research in surroundings.

Conceptual understanding of the various research methods, tools and techniques is an essential prerequisite to conduct empirical research in different areas like management, science and technology. Researchers always try to enhance their research capabilities and this kind of platform provides a bunch of experts, researchers, academicians and industrialist to share their knowledge.

Keeping this in view, we are pleased to inform you that we are going to organize Faculty Development Programme on “Research Paradigm for Professional Teachers” from July 6-20, 2013.

We shall appreciate if you would attend and motivate other faculty members to participate in this training.

A brochure and registration form, are enclosed herewith.  
(If the number of candidates are more than one, they can make photocopy or can download the registration form from the website: www.oitmhisar.com)

Solicit your cooperation for the success of this programme.                                                                      
Yours Sincerely,
 (Dr. Sangeeta Gupta)

 Programme Director 

Please contact: Dr. Parveen Chauhan    +919034732717 (Programme Convener)